Importância da espiritualidade na assistência à saúde




Espiritualidade, Saúde, Religião


Spirituality is a fundamental aspect of the well-being of individuals and is therefore an important factor in health care. This study aimed to reflect on the relationship between health and spirituality and the importance of the subject for health care. It is a narrative review based on national and international articles on spirituality and health available in the Virtual Health Library. The benefits of spirituality for the health of individuals are evident, and especially today, when facing the pandemic period, people resort to spirituality as a form of resilience. However, despite the importance of spirituality being recognized by health professionals, it is not properly used as a strategy for disease prevention and health promotion. A fundamental element for the integral well-being of the patient, such as spirituality should not be neglected, disciplines that address spiritual care should be introduced to the curricula of health programs and the theme should be better explored by professionals during health care.


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How to Cite

Ferreira Aydogdu, A. L. (2023). Importância da espiritualidade na assistência à saúde. Revista Angolana De Ciências Da Saúde / Angolan Journal Of Health Sciences, 3(2), 10–16.



Artigo de Revisão / Review Article